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Project Details

Location: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Done by: Idroesse Infrastrutture, UAE

Period: 2007 – Ongoing

Client: Musanada – Emirate of Abu Dhabi

Coordinates: Latitude 24.357570°, Longitude 54.763113°

Cost of the Works: Over 7 Billion AED

Scope of Work: Complete design development including environmental studies and geotechnical engineering, Tender documents and evaluation, work supervision of South Shamkha infrastructures and utilities.

  • Project Description:
    • South Shamkha Development project area is approximately 40 sqkm.
    • South Shamkha is a mixed-use development for up to 165,000 residents and an estimated 130,000 non-residents working in offices, retail, and commercial activities along with public and social facilities.
  • Roads (single and dual carriageway): 150 km main roads + 252 km secondary roads – 54 signalized junctions – 3 major links to Desert.
  • Drinkable Water Network: 422 km of 90-1000 mm pipes – 2 booster pumping stations.
  • Waste Water Network: 481 km dia 160-1600 + 2 pumping stations (max 350 l/s).
  • Storm Water Network: 355 km pipes of 300-2500 mm – 4 ponds.
  • Power And Lighting: Power And Lighting: 2 primary stations 132/22kV; 51km 132kV cables; 283 substations of 22/0.4kV; 560 transformers ; 408 Km 22kV cables; 849 Km feeding LV cables; 11,1543 Feeder Pillar, 8430 light poles; 18300 LED luminaire for street lighting ; 563 km power lighting cables.
  • Irrigation Network and Landscape: 100 km main pipes – 3000 km distribution pipes –1 reservoirs 1,000,000 m3.